matching tatoos aboard ship.
They aren't permanent, but they are a reminder of our great time at the BE.
Because twelve year olds run in packs, a few others....
followed suit.
I actually wound up a couple of people behind Dog Blogger because I had to run over and do the Electric Slide while it was playing. Just a small joy detour on the way to another joy.
One of these is permanant. It is the only tatoo I would ever consider getting for real. It says "hesed" in Hebrew. God's steadfast, never ending, compassionate love. That's something I might consider permanantly inscribing on my body. It is something I try to inscribe on my heart.
By the way this worked great as an April Fools with my boss, not so much with manBoy.
love it
Should you wear boots to your meeting this afternoon? Or slacks?
What a fab bunch of gams with tats those are....what fun! Thanks for leading the pack.
Thinking of you in the next couple of hours!
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