Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Another Big Event

I learned yesterday that my High School Reunion is 109 days away. The organizers have set up a website and made plans for several activities - one of them is referred to as "The Big Event." I have mixed feelings about this reunion. I have changed a great deal (both internally and externally) in the last 30 years as would be expected. But I've changed and grown tons just in the last 6 years. I wonder how hard it will be to explain all the changes I/we have gone through since I left teaching. Will I even want to? Who there will care? There are a few people that I was close to in high school that I would want to reconnect with. I have a friend who read my blog soon after I first started it. She said, "It's like reading about someone I don't know."

On a lighter note, for the most part High School was fun and I do look forward to seeing many people I haven't seen in a long time. So, regardless of how deep the sharing goes, I can go and have fun if I don't let myself get too bogged down in seriousness.


will smama said...

20 years for me and I wouldn't even know where to start!

DogBlogger said...

Wow... I can't imagine going back for mine.

Connie said...

Yea...I think the go and see is interesting, but I don't think you can even explain this stuff in a casual conversation

RevHRod said...

Sharing the 78 is great motto with you... and you are braver than me. I just haven't figured out how to get to that BE... Even if I supply preached for the next ten weeks, I'm not sure I'd go there. I admire you!

Unknown said...

I have a 30th this year, too. I've been thinking of going, but have similarly mixed feelings.

zorra said...

I went to my 20th because I have a friend who agreed that she would if I would. We actually had a pretty good time, but it just made me so glad (as always) that I don't live there now. Well, I've done that, I don't need to go to another. Since (unlike me) you liked HS, you will probably enjoy it, but expect to be amazed at how you've changed and some of them haven't.

Mary Beth said...

I did 10. I did 20.

I'm done.