Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Five: Springing Forward

Jan at RevGalBlogPals writes: Whether we liked it or not, we all "sprang forward" with the change to daylight savings time in the USA this past Sunday. There is lightness and brightness slipping in as spring approaches, so let us consider what is springing forth in our lives right now.
Name 5 things that are springing forth, possibly including :what you hope for, what you dread, what you observe, what is concrete, what is intangible.

1. The children's and youth ministry at my church is springing forth. It is still small, but growing both in size and in energy. It is so exciting to see the enthusiasm the whole church is developing for this ministry. We are blessed with great people committed to serving and great kids!

2. Manboy is getting ready to spring forth from the nest. Graduation is getting nearer and nearer. College acceptances have come in. He's close to making a commitment. Mom has mixed feelings about this of course. I'm so proud of the young man he's grown to be.

3. Spring is springing forth here in the summer climes. The Bradford Pears, Redbuds, and Crepe Myrtles all have blossoms on them right now. The thermometer on my patio read 88 yesterday afternoon. You see we don't spend long in spring. Summer temps will be here shortly after the equinox.

4. Hmmm. What I'm hoping for? Energy. I'm hoping for some energy to spring forth sooner have rather than later today. The sun is trying to peek through the clouds. That's kind of how I feel. My get up and go is trying to peek through, but it is covered by a layer of lethargy.

5. I would also be happy if my sermon and the class on prayer I'm teaching next week would spring forth sooner rather than later. Both are tromping around in my brain, but neither is as yet flowing forth.

As I type, I realize this is really a prayer of gratitude and petition. Lord, hear my prayer. Amen.


Laura said...

Wow - you must be further south than us, as our redbuds & crepe myrtles are just sprouting out leaves. Adding an amen to your prayer!

altar ego said...

You are definitely farther south than me. Our BP;s are blooming, along with some crabappple types. We transplanted some crepe myrtle last fall that don't look all that good, so I'm hoping there's still room for them to bloom forth!

And absolutely, Amen to your prayer!

Sue said...

Excellent prayer. Amen!

RevDrKate said...

Lot's springing, praying along with you.