Monday, February 05, 2007

No News

I really don't have much to report, but I haven't blogged in a few days and I want to keep up the habit. So here's the non-news and prayer requests.

There is no news on the job front. We are all a little discouraged. Prayers for encouragement and peace will be appreciated.

manBoy made his class choices. I'm grieving that he is giving up band, but if his heart isn't fully in it he will be miserable. He made his decision Saturday, and was still at peace with it this morning. So, prayers of thanksgiving for that.

I have a meeting tomorrow Feb. 6 to explore a far away possibility. Please pray for discernment.

House repairs on hold until foundation company comes on Feb. 15th.

Lord Jesus, fill us with your peace. Amen.

1 comment:

Sally said...

Prayers for peace and for discernment and for blessings.