Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Big Decisions - Planning for the Future

For what seemed like a very long time, we have not been able to plan more than a couple of weeks ahead when it came to finances and living arrangements. manBoy started high school this year knowing we could move sometime during the school year. Now that my appointment is settled at least until June '09, we are beginning to make longer term decisions.

Today, manBoy turned in his letter of commitment to the new high school that will be opening next fall. This school will be small - less than 300 students to start- and be different from most high schools. Learning will be project based. Project assignments are made at the beginning of a teaching unit and teaching focuses on what the student needs to know to complete the project. Collaboration, work ethic, and communication skills are included in the grade along with content knowledge. Someone besides mom will be telling him that working hard and well with others is important. The technology level of this school is higher than the other high school. Each student will have a laptop computer checked out to him/her. manBoy is excited about this. He will be able to continue his athletics (cross country and track) at the main high school then go to the new school afterwards.

As for G&T and I, we just made arrangements to refinance our mortgage. We were in an ARM that adjusted up a year ago, but we had no idea how long we would be in the house or if G&T would be working. G&T has been working for a year now. I know where I'm appointed. The time has come. We bit the bullet and moved to a shorter loan. Slightly higher payments, but earlier security of a place to live when we retire.

It feels really good to plan ahead a little. I know that I should be able to trust God and go with the flow. We did better at that some months than we did during others. We are no longer just maintaining while we wait to hear. This is nice.

Next steps in the planning ahead game: Internet Service and debt reduction.

Loving God, I know that life can change in an instant. My time at the hospital showed me that. Thank you for this time of peace, and less uncertainty. Thank you for the home we live in, for the schools that are available for manBoy, for the jobs we have, and most of all for the certainty that you are always with us. Amen.

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

So glad for the settledness that you can look forward to this year. ManBoy's school sounds AWESOME!