Friday, November 17, 2006

Friday Five: Giving Thanks

Songbird at RevGalBlogPals writes: It's that time of year. In the U.S., college students will be on their way home, traffic on the highways will be at its highest point, cooking and baking will ensue. But before the gorging and napping begins, let's take a moment to give thanks. Please tell us five things or people for which you are thankful this year.

This is an important meme for me. As mentioned in yesterday's post, we are facing a difficulty. Gifted & Talented was laid off from his job yesterday. We are still in shock and trying hard to have faith that God is with us in this and trying hard not to panic. Still, we have many things to be thankful for. I don't think it is an accident that three people who were so hungry they would eat tuna before 10 am asked me for food today. I haven't had these kind of requests in the last couple of weeks. I was reminded of my abundance as I gave them tuna kits and applesauce.

1. Gifted & Talented and manBoy - I'm blessed in soooooo many ways.

2. Dogblogger's Typist and The Alpha - For all the love they give us and especially for taking us to dinner when we were so blue

3. Our extended families; parents, sisters, seven nieces, and one nephew.

4. Neighbors and church friends - the village that supports us as we raise manBoy.

5. Health.

I should list a hundred, but these are the five that come to mind right now.


Unknown said...

I'm sorry you're dealing with this just before the holidays. You seem to have your bearings, which is good. Blessings to all of you.

DogBlogger said...

Awwww... I haven't done the Friday Five yet, but we're thankful for y'all, too!

Love and prayers...

QuakerPastor said...

Grace and Peace to you on your hospital shift...I do chaplaincy work too! it's incredible.

Theresa Coleman said...

Dearest Mid-life-Rookie,
I want to tell you that I think a lot of what you are doing and the way that you are doing it. I admire your spirit and the way that you are approaching life -- or mid-life, as it were. I feel somehow that I know you and I really really would love to meet you in real life. I pray that God will strengthen you on this journey and sustain you through this CPE and then in your ministry. Blessings and Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Girlfriend, I feel your pain. I am so sorry. It is in suffering that we are conformed to the image of Christ. May this new path show you more of His character. My love and understanding, from your Forever Friend, whom you kicked in the rear before you were ever born! You will survive...and thrive. So glad I visited your blog today.

LutheranChik said...

Prayers ascending during this difficult time. It sounds like you have a strong support network...take strength from theirs. Greetings from another mid-life rookie, but one who still doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up!

net said...

lots of prayers ascending! be blessed and happy thanksgiving@

Anonymous said...

I'm so thankful for you, for Gifted & Talented and for ManBoy. You are all very special and hold a very special place in my heart. I know what you're going through now is difficult but I know that God has a plan. He will not forsake you. Be patient, prayers are being answered and God is with you. KitCat

spookyrach said...

Hope you are doing well. Although there is no good time to be laid off, this must be especially rough. You have a really wonderful perspective, though.