Monday, June 22, 2009

Herding Ping Pong Balls

I've dropped the ball on a few obligations/details in the last few days. I'm not sure what is going on except I have many, many details to attend to between now and Wednesday when I head out for Bishop's Week.

In my quest to handle this in a spiritual way, I tried using imagery to "give it all to God." Well, the problem is, in my imagination, I can't get to God with all of the details. The mental image that has come to mind is trying to carry about 50 ping pong balls without a bag or case or basket of any kind. I keep trying to use my shirt or a dish towel to hold on to them, but they keep escaping. Every time I bend over to retrieve one, two more fall out.

Finally, my imagination has God scooping me up, ping pong balls and all. It doesn't matter if some of them fall, because they simply fall into God's hand next to me. Theoretically this is a comforting image. I think it will be if I can get my mind and body to relax just a little. Hmmm, what does that say if I have an image of being held by God, but in that image, I'm still squirming and trying to grasp at everything? Breathe in...... Breathe out.....Breathe in.....Breathe out....

Oh Lord, help me in my unbelief. Perhaps the best I can do is offer you this day. Literally, the calendar page with all the to dos. Take it Lord and do with it as you will. Take me Lord and do with me what you will. When I come to the end of the day, help me see where you were and how any detours that came up were part of your plan even when they don't seem to fit in mine. Amen.


Alison said...

Thank you, from a lurker in Northern Virginia who is taking 10 teenagers and three other adults to Washington State in three days and has had some but not lots of help in the planning of it all. Thank you for the faith that God will pick you (and me) up and take care of us. Thank you for the imagery of big hands out of which nothing falls and for which nothing is too heavy.

Terri said...

Oh I sooo hear you.

Mary Beth said...

This is wonderful. Thank you!